This past year has been one of seeing the Lord bring a new level of maturity to Leadership Matters. Over 900 leaders have now taken the training. That is a real praise item.
During this past July, our newly formed Council, representative of eight agencies, met for its second meeting. Several organizations are asking for this specialized training and others are asking to be part of the alliance. This confirms to us that there is a huge need for leadership training around the globe. And while there are many Bodies of Believers springing up around the world, there is a desperate need for the training of leaders to help them to be effective.
The Apostle Paul, during his missionary journeys, was intent on ensuring that the believers had follow up. He provided thorough instruction and good training for the deacons and elders so that they could effectively lead the new congregations.
This is exactly what the Lord is letting us do. There is a lot of emphasis on church planting around the world, and we praise God for every church that is planted, but the reality is that there is a dearth of training available for the leaders of those churches.
Following is a quote from an LMC graduate from Spain. He eloquently expresses what the training has meant to him and the outreach there.”I want to thank you for your investment in equipping and empowering others to be the most effective leaders they can be. I have attended many conferences and read many books, but the training I have received at Leadership Matters Course has been the most practical hands-on training I have ever received.
1. The range of leadership skills covered,
2. the way they are broken down into bite sized modules,
3. plus the effective modeling , and
4. opportunity to immediately put into practice the skills, make it such an impacting course.
The way you come alongside each participant, coaching and affirming them, instills confidence and builds enthusiasm.
When I think of the impact that this program can have on the 93 team members I work with, my heart rejoices. This type of training will equip us to more than double the effectiveness of our efforts in building up leaders in ministry in the areas of the world where we serve.”
Equipping the Saints,
John King
Editor for A Matter of Course and engage!
LMC Trainer
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