Management can be defined as "getting things done through others." To be an effective manager you must be an expert at persuading and influencing others to work in a common direction. This is why all excellent managers are also excellent low-pressure salespeople. They do not order people to do things; instead, they persuade them to accept certain responsibilities, with specific deadlines and agreed-upon standards of performance. When a person has been persuaded that he or she has a vested interest in doing a job well, he or she accepts ownership of the job and the result. Once a person accepts ownership and responsibility, the manager can step aside confidently, knowing the job will be done on schedule.
You Have Two Choices
With most tasks, you have a choice of either doing it yourself or delegating it to others. Your ability to get someone else to take on the job with the same enthusiasm that you would have is an exercise in personal persuasion. It may seem to take a little longer at the beginning, but it saves you an enormous amount of time in the completion of the task.
Key Leverage Point
A key form of leverage that you must develop for success is other using other people's knowledge. You must be able to tap into the brain power of many other people if you want to accomplish worthwhile goals. Successful people are not those who know everything needed to accomplish a particular task, but more often than not, they are people who know how to find the knowledge they need.
What Knowledge Do You Need?
What is the knowledge that you need to achieve your most important goals? Of the knowledge required, what knowledge must you have personally in order to control your situation, and what knowledge can you borrow, buy, or rent from others?
Two Calls Away
It has been said that, in our increasingly information-based society, you are never more than one book or two phone calls away from any piece of knowledge. With computer services that are capable of accessing huge data bases including online databases all over the world, you can usually get the precise information you require in a few minutes by using a personal computer. Whenever you need information and expertise from another person in order to achieve your goals, the very best way to persuade them to help you is to ask them for their assistance.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Almost everyone who is knowledgeable in a particular area is proud of their accomplishments. By asking a person for their expert advice, you compliment them and motivate them to want to help you. So don't be afraid to ask, even if you don't know the individual personally.
Action Exercises
Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, multiply your output and rewards by persuading other people to do the job for you and do it well. Delegation is the key to personal leverage.
Second, identify the most important knowledge you need to do an excellent job and then concentrate on finding and using that knowledge.
Third, sign up for the next LMC to determine how good you are and to perfect the skill through the course's learning and practise sessions.
The person who can find the knowledge in others is often more valuable than the person who possesses it.
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